Sunday 10 January 2016

Raw Crystal Light.

Ok... I'm back!  Sorry I took so long... You know with Christmas and the New Year and trying to round up the rest of the Troops and a couple of new ones tagging along full of Christmas Spirit..well as you can image things were pretty hectic need I say!
     Raw Crystals.. Beautiful aren't know the ones that have come straight from within the ground of the heart of Mother Nature full of knowledge  and great healing powers.
When you are feeling the sense and need for one they even call to you..
No,Seriously they do! Well,through the voice essence of the crystal within they do!
I saw them,they were beautiful,raw crystal necklaces with Quartz crystals originating from South America...
Which one? I asked myself,they are all so beautiful..
Lynda..I heard. My eyes scanned over them..Lynda,this one  and my eyes fell upon the one that had chosen me. And it became mine.
It is strong,of male energy( yes even crystals have male and female origins!) and has the warrior strengh,wisdom and protection of ancestors of long ago and when i am sensing the need I wear it.
How does it work you ask? It just does. 
It's like having your own bodyguard,your own spirit teacher, your own guidance guru and  your own personal endless history tablet of the past all in one. 
Two others have called to me..both with different strengths,light and knowledge( one even found me at an opportunity shop!)
Raw crystals have been in the heart of Mother Nature for centuries,many footprints of knowledge have been stored within the light of these crystals and maybe they are just waiting to pass their footprints to us.
So next time you may be in a Crystal shop,sensing,needing don't be surprised if suddenly you hear,
Hey,over here,here I am,I am the one your looking for!

      Seriously! You are eyeballing me!..ok, got to troop eyeballing!
Who is the new one you ask?  Why..his name is Silver Paws..
   What animal is he?  Stay tuned.
Oh, just one more thing, have you heard and noticed lately,that rare whites have been emerging?
    Looks like the prophecy is happening..Just saying!

Will return soon and promise it won't be so long!
Love LJ

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