Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Heaven Sent.

   She smiled.
She sensed and knew it was going to be a special day for someone.
She was here she could sense her waiting patiently in spirit..
She asked which one? She whispered This One!..She lent over and picked the single flower smiling as she did so.
She walked up to the young girl and smiling said.. "This is for you.. It is from your GrandMother and she gives it to you with all her love and she is saying I am here with your dog.
The young one knew and smiled. Why?
She got her dog after her Grandmother passed away and the flower? The same as her Grandmothers in her garden.

 She asked..My husband had a pet-name for me what was it?
She sat there silently..she asked..he gave no answer..she asked again..silence..no answer.
I'm so sorry she said..I have asked but your husband remains silent.i can not give you the name.
She smiled and knew..It was her husband..why? Because the pet-name was for their ears and their ears alone..he would not have told her.

Out,relaxing a glass in hand..she looked at me with a longing and question in her eyes..she knew a little of me..she just wanted to know..She spoke...I answered.."you smell her every morning and she is here".. I moved to her and wrapped my arms around her  her Grandmother with me full of love and in that moment she knew..with tears in her eyes,she just knew it is real..Why?
Because no one else but another knew she sprayed her Grandmothers perfume every morning remembering.
Just like this..anywhere..anytime..any place it just happens. A loved one steps in and sometimes it is just one simple thing I say.. and they know they are always there.
   It's as simple as this..A connection between two worlds bringing joy to the hearts of loved ones.
Just call me..Ok! family member here! Time for Miss Medium Love Messenger to deliver! (Almost sounds like a super hero name!) Hang on! just call me SuperSpiritGirl!
Maybe there is becoming a greater need for this precious gift I have more than ever at the moment..For two worlds that come together and bring great peace,joy,love and healing..or is it just one world United.
Reveal who was eyeballing? Why.. Matilda of course! 
At you.
Why?  Stay tuned.
Love LJ

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