Sunday, 27 September 2015

Through the Eye of Goldie.

        She is my eyes as i am hers.
I guard her within them allowing her to see and understand what is appropriate for her to know as we tread lightly paw upon paw throu the Forrest of confusion.
   She is I when needing to seek the truth.
I show her the way.
She is strong,sure and careful with me walking by her side as my spirit of cunningness guides her  to the light of knowledge within the truth .
   She is vibrant,she is powerful as she follows the beat of the drums through to the pathway of Truth with the tigress spirit of me within.
   She knows the way... She hears my message.. Within the eye of the tiger the truth of the matter will be known.
   I am her as she is I. Tigress upon tigress walking silently together as one.
We may all be gone soon ... Once again because of the brutality of mankind for the killing of pleasure for our body parts for the pleasure of yours and a rug upon your floor.
It is senseless to us as it is the killing of our other brothers and sisters....So ask you this...
What would happen when we are all gone?
A great silence would fall upon the lands of the wild and tears from the heart of Mother Nature would fall silently upon them with great saddness at the finally loss of her children all through pure ignorance,greed and heartless brutality of some within mankind.
Do you want the silence to so be? I believe not.
A story for you.. Russia, time ago...20 of us hunted by the hunter,20 of us killed...20 of the hunters hunted by us, 20 hunters killed.   
I believe you call this An Eye for An Eye and A Tooth For a Tooth. This may be so.
So next time you visit a zoo or a page within a for me..look me within the eye and ask..
    "Will you bless me with the eye of the Tiger?" I may just answer..."You already Are".


      As I Already Am
               Love LJ 

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

My World? Just because..

I was born to walk in this way.
To connect, to feel, to sense, to understand, to know,see and hear within the heart of another world.
Or is it another world? Or a world that truely is.
 Has it not been around for centuries and civilisations of long ago?
The Olmec's,Mayan,Inca's and Aztec all believed in the powers of the unseen with a enduring belief within it.
Sky god.. Totem The Jaguar. Shamans..spirit warriors with the ability to converse with spirit world enhanced by their spirit helpers,and Animal spirit totems especially that of the Jaguar.Magic.Supernatual Begins all of which is believed in within this nature spirit meduim of today.Me.
They were also known as the People of the Jaguar.
        'Sacred Jaguar teach me...
     To wear my power lightly,
To walk with impeccability,
  To approach life with compassion,
 And to live up to the integrity of my human potential.
                            The Medicine Message of The Jaguar Totem.

So as you may see maybe my world isn't so new after all..that what i believe in has been around for centuries and civilisations of long ago, maybe just all the knowing of this was lost through the society history of time..and forgotten..Till the Gate Ways opened.

As you ask.. but did they not do human  sacrifice? If this was so..It was through the degenerated distortion of the true teachings of The Jaguar that the priests foolishly began human sacrifice to try to reclaim the golden days of an empire that was once a Golden era of great spiritual understanding but was lost through their [the priests]own foolishness and missuse of the authentic power of The Jaguar all in the name of greed.

So i ask you human sacrifice still not taking place in the world today through the same distortion of beliefs through the degeneration of others?
It may be so.

So if you feel your feet start to vibrate and you slowly drop to the ground and sense a Gateway opening..Dont be afraid to may just be an ancestor of long ago of an Golden era calling to you saying 'The Jaguar is here..let the rebirth of an era begin.It is time.
I did..without fear and a new era began with the Jaguar walking beside me.
Will you walk with the Jaguar?  I believe some of you may just do that. Don't You?

GOLDIE! Settle...Who's Goldie?..she is as i have mentioned before,my beautiful spiritual tigress that protects my female side and walks beside me guarding me  when needed..she is wanting to speak with you from within the eye of
Sorry everyone..i will need to continue what Goldie has to say in the next blog..Blackie,Matida and Midnight have all just shown up and we all know what is about to happen don't we?!
EYEBALLING!!! do i cope with these guys?..By loving every spiritual ounce of them!
Gotta Go.
Will return soon.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Tonight..May i ask something of You?

If you can, take a moment to listen to the song 'We Are The World.'.not just with your ears but with your heart and soul..
Children of innocence..thats who they are..they do not know of or understand the brutality of certain mankind nor the wars of divided countries through the greed of power or difference of religion,nor the understanding of  poverty..They are children born of innocence.
I do not have the resoures to feed these children of poverty,i do not have the combat skills to fight these countries for the freedom of these children nor the land to offer them the right to be free with their innocence..but i do have a voice.
As i know you do.  
So tonight..if you may let your voice ring loud with the song...remember. for are we all not the world? One World.
I was a child of innocence once..weren't you?
You may ask... why i may be posting this?
Because of an image of a three-year old boy,lifeless within the arms of another..
A child of innocence. 

Just wanting to be innocence.
