Sunday, 30 August 2015

I Understand....

I Understand...
I see your confusion,your fear,your doubt within as you sense a shift into the unknown within your 
I am here to guide and show you that through the void of this darkness and unknown there is Magic.
I ask that you trust me without fear.
Who am I? You ask.
Why ,I am the Spirit Medicine totem of the Raven.
I am Magic...Come fly with me.
The Raven is a powerful medicine totem when he enters your life...I know for i have flown with him without fear,without questioning when i needed  him through the void of an unknown i was sensing,knowing that the power of his magic would guide me and through the unknown at work something special would be taking place.
Who needs fear when you have the Spirit Medicine of the Majestic Raven flying with you..
I have learnt i dont, for there is no need to fear what we may not know only to embrace it,for that something special that is taking place may just be you.
Hang On.. you are saying..isn"t the Raven's colour black ,that of should i dare say it ,evil?
 Take a closer is not just black, it is of a shimmery blue/black that shines in the sun and glistens in the light of the night. 
Black to me is not the colour of evil, it is the colour of the answers to the unknown we seek,a connection within the soul to Great Ancestor's of long ago and to the Great Mysteries we yet may not know of.
I have seen the Raven within the eye of others i have met and i smile within knowing that within that 
person Magic is about to begin.
Have you looked in the mirror lately?
Maybe next time you do.. within your eyes the Raven may just be looking at you saying..'Are you ready? Do not be afraid..Come fly with me.
I think you might just see him....
Dont You?
OK...Seriously!  Now i have Blackie [I know..Very original name isn't it for my Raven! By the way he chose the name not me..]Matilda
 and Midnight all eye-balling each other.
Seriously you three ...Stop It. to the three of them are all eye-balling me.
Would i want my life any other way? Definitely Not!
Why? Just because..
"Fear Not..For I am Magic.

Sunday, 16 August 2015


With The Eye Of This Elephant There Is A Story to Be Told....

'I saw them,  they killed my mother..
I am just a baby...
     I needed her, loved her, depended on her.

You did not see it.
They took no mercy in butching her for her tusks..
Was the value of her tusks worth more than the value of her life?
               I Guess So.
I miss her......
     Would you not miss your mother too if they butchered her for the value of her finger nails rather
 than her life...

I will not forget her.....How can I not...for you see an elephant never forgets no matter how little they
     Can you forget?
          I Thought so.....
That is why i am without a mother..just because they wanted a carving.
As you can see all of Mother Natures Creatures has a story to be told..
Heart wrenching isn't know that what some of us are so readily wanting to destroy for the price of a carving..has a heart,has a soul and most of all the right to live.Just as we all do.
If Mother Nature had a voice right now.. she would be her slightly Southern Belle Accent..
"Universally Me..When are these folks gonna realize that these are my Goddess given creations born upon this earth just as they live,be free and wild at heart. Looks like i'm gonna have to find myself some Wild Life Warriors or Goddess to protect them. Lorde Me..when will these folks learn.

Hey Mother Nature..Here I Am! Yours Truely..Miss Lara Croft Wild Life Warrior Goddess Defender of those that have no voice but through their eyes i will speak for them. [That was a bit of a mouth full but worth it!]
Ok..we all know i'm not exactly Lara Croft..Hello! But if through the power of my words with what i wrote within the eye of this photo..can touch within you,your own Lara Croft,G.I.Joe, or even "hell,i will not let this happen to no baby elephant again,no sir reee' voice...then i will love you for it as i am sure 
Mother Nature will too..and i just heard her say 'Love me as I love ye all."
Ok.. Settle Madilta! ...She is my beautiiful spiritual owl who sits upon my shoulder.[.we became acquaint during my course with Scott Alexander King] who is wanting to say...
Seriously! Your humans believe you are the wise ones?  HuH.
In the Spirit Animal Totem Cards i work with the Owl is the symbol ot Wisdom and Non Deception.
So let me just ask you this?     Who is deceiving who? 
Believe Madilta knows the answer..Don't You?

Seriously! Now Midnight and Madilta are eye-balling each other.
Mother Nature I need you!  Sort out your Children.
Thanks for listening everyone.
Be back soon...

Sunday, 9 August 2015

She Stands Alerted...

'She stands alerted..
She senses, she feels..
She drops to the ground,crouching, feet vibrating..connecting to those within the pulse of the mother earth of cultures past from long ago...great warriors,shamans,goddess all calling to her to stand within this world and teach what they may bring.
She sees without seeing, she knows.
Gateways fall away beneath and beyond her..she stands in the centre of their time within no time.
She is time.'

Through the words of great wisdom..
How can you buy and sell the sky? The warmth of the land?
If we do not own the freshess of the air and the sparkle of the water how can we buy them?
Every part of this earth is sacred to my people.
The air is precious to the red man,for all things share the same breath,the beast,the tree,the man they all share the same breath.
What is man without the beasts?
If all the beasts were gone,men would die from the great loneliness of spirit; for whatever happens to the beasts soon happens to man.
All things are connected.
Whatever befalls the earth,befalls the sons of the earth.
If men spit upon the ground,they spit upon themselves.This we know, the earth doesn't belong to man;
man belongs to the earth.
This we know,all things are connected,like the blood that unites one family.
Man didn't weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web,he does to
Where is the thicket?   Gone
Where is the eagle?     Gone 
And what is it to say goodbye to the swift pony and the hunt?
The end of living and the beginning of survival.
So if we sell you our land,love it as we have loved it, care for it as we have cared for it. Hold in your mind the memory of the land as it is when your take it.
One thing we know our God [Universe] is the same God [Universe]. 
This earth is precious to Him..Even the white man cannot be exempt from the common destiny.
We may be brothers after all.    We shall see!
      [ A shortened version of words spoken through the eyes of Chief Seattle to the Great White Chief in  Washington late 1800's on request to buy their land.]

To me these words have great truth and wisdom within them.. How can they not for to me they speak the truth..I understand about progress and the graphics of change..i just ask you this ? Would our world have been different if we had learnt to walk with them side by side,learning,understanding and accepting them as one of us united as one..I believe so for they have told me so.
When i was in South Dakota i visited Wounded Knee where one of the most [to me] horrific slaughters took place of over 350 of the Lakota Nation because they kept their sacred culture of the Sun Dance Ceremony alive against the threat from the White people of that time that they were for forbidden to do so.   Of those 350 so Lakota Nation most of that number were woman and children..yes..woman and children of innocence..just like others in this world of innocence.
I placed my hand upon the earth where the grave site was where their bodies were thrown into graves with no repect and stripped of their clothing for prizes..and i felt Mother Nature's tears,her saddness..i felt it within me she was crying for the pain we had created for a senseless act of brutality just because we didnt want to know.. and when you are standing on a hill top in the heart of this land and you hear the spiritually wailing and cries of those of the woman and children that were innocently taken.. You know something needs to change.. We do.
I'm sure if I knelt upon the ground where Cecil the majestic lion one was slaughtered for the price of a killing Mother Earth  would still be crying.. So  I say Enough,..Next time when your at the beach dig your feet within the sand and feel,lay on your back in your back yard or in the park and listen to the heart beat of Mother Nature... Listen carefully and you will hear them too.. Those of long ago saying,,Enough..When we learn to respect Mother Nature and all within her,we will learn to respect our selves and all those within her heart.

I cannot solve all in this world..But through what i believe i can heal what needs to be healed..Listen to the truth of the Voice of Mother Nature..she whispers to you on the breath of the wind..Can you hear her?  I believe silently  you can... Choose to listen if you can.

Even Midnight is saying listen to the silence within the unknow..
And Midnight Knows...
Wounded Knee Grave Site where the earth stills cries....
Will  return soon